by Dennis Espinoza | Sep 6, 2024 | Massage and whiplash, Massage Therapy
Massage Therapist in Bothell, Wa. Many people experience back pain from car accidents. Everyone has back pain sometimes, but when someone suffers from severe or chronic back pain, it can have a big impact on their daily life. Massage therapy is an excellent option for...
by BJ Erkan | Feb 23, 2017 | Massage Therapy, Self Care, Stretching, Uncategorized, Wellness
Stretching Videos I did a while back for our friends at FlyWheel spin studio – Bothell Integrated Health (because the spin studio was so far from home we ended up getting a Peloton and LOVE it!) These stretches can be helpful for people that have low back pain....
by BJ Erkan | Sep 23, 2012 | Massage Therapy, News
The massage community, and everyone that supports and uses massage, owes a great debt of gratitude to the authors of a new paper on the safety and effectiveness of massage in the treatment of a myriad of medical conditions. This paper was a Herculean effort carried...
by BJ Erkan | May 6, 2012 | Massage Therapy, Wellness
Everyone wants to go for the gusto when in the gym to improve performance or appearance, but few like paying the price in pain and weakness during recovery from intense exercise. Massage is your answer to this conundrum. Whether work out goals are short term, like...
by BJ Erkan | Feb 14, 2012 | Massage and whiplash, Massage Therapy, Uncategorized
Whip lash is whiplash Massage for Whiplash: A primer for Physicians, Therapists, and Medically Savvy Patients The injury commonly known as “Whiplash” is also known in medical circles as Cervical Acceleration/Deceleration (CAD) syndrome, and the wide range...
by BJ Erkan | Jan 25, 2012 | Massage Therapy, News
Massage For Whiplash By BJ Erkan Massage for Whiplash: How to Find the Right Massage Therapist to Treat your Whiplash Injury Whiplash is also known as cervical acceleration/deceleration injury, and hyperextension/hyperflexion injury. We will assume for this article...