Bothell Integrated Health | Blog 

Massage therapy and the Affordable Care Act

Massage therapy and the Affordable Care Act

The massage community, and everyone that supports and uses massage, owes a great debt of gratitude to the authors of a new paper on the safety and effectiveness of massage in the treatment of a myriad of medical conditions. This paper was a Herculean effort carried...

We Massage Bothell, the City of Bothell Employees, too.

We Massage Bothell, the City of Bothell Employees, too.

Bothell Massage Therapists Massage Bothell City Employees  We will massage Bothell City employees on Tuesday, November 2nd.  Bothell Integrated Health will be providing the services or 2-3 licensed massage therapists to provide the employees of the city of Bothell...

Bothell Massage- We love Bothell and Massage!

Bothell Massage- We love Bothell and Massage!

Bothell Massage-We love the Bothell Area and Massage!   Bothell Massage and You [Home] If you are already a patient and fan of our clinic you know how much we care about the community we live in. You may like to know that we also are active  beyond the concerns...