Bothell Integrated Health | Blog

Massage therapy and the Affordable Care Act
The massage community, and everyone that supports and uses massage, owes a great debt of gratitude to the authors of a new paper on the safety and effectiveness of massage in the treatment of a myriad of medical conditions. This paper was a Herculean effort carried...

Ensure safe summer and year round cycling with an Ergonomic Bike Fit fitting
Hello all, I hope everyone is having a safe summer and enjoying the warm weather. I have had a very positive experience I would like to share with you. I started riding my bicycle to work regularly and have written about my experience getting my bike properly fit and...

Get in shape and ready for the warm weather. Massage can help you achieve your best health.
Everyone wants to go for the gusto when in the gym to improve performance or appearance, but few like paying the price in pain and weakness during recovery from intense exercise. Massage is your answer to this conundrum. Whether work out goals are short term, like...

Whip lash is Whiplash: Symptoms and treatment
Whip lash is whiplash Massage for Whiplash: A primer for Physicians, Therapists, and Medically Savvy Patients The injury commonly known as "Whiplash" is also known in medical circles as Cervical Acceleration/Deceleration (CAD) syndrome, and the wide range of symptoms...

Massage for Whiplash: How to Find the Right Massage Therapist to Treat Your Whiplash
Massage For Whiplash By BJ Erkan Massage for Whiplash: How to Find the Right Massage Therapist to Treat your Whiplash Injury Whiplash is also known as cervical acceleration/deceleration injury, and hyperextension/hyperflexion injury. We will assume for this article...

Education for Massage Therapists, We support the pursuit of professional excellence at Bothell Integrated Health.
A message from Master Bodyworker, Jack Blackburn about an upcoming event from The Future of Bodywork Forum and a unique class opportunity. Dear Ones, Jack Blackburn here. First I want to wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Some of you are receiving...

The Best Bothell Chiropractors are Right in Our Building!
Best Bothell Chiropractors Best Bothell Chiropractors Kaufman Chiropractic Bothell Integrated Health is under the same roof as Kaufman Chiropractic, the best Bothell chiropractors! We have known the fine folks at Kaufman chiropractic for almost 18 years....

Our Bothell Massage Clinic, Bothell Integrated Health, Voted Best Massage in Western Washington!
It is a joy and an honor to Massage Bothell and provide the BEST MASSAGE! To be Voted Best Massage is a Humbling Honor The Patients at Bothell Integrated Health have honored us by voting for us as Best Massage Establishment in Western Washington. We are in the King5...

We Massage Bothell, the City of Bothell Employees, too.
Bothell Massage Therapists Massage Bothell City Employees We will massage Bothell City employees on Tuesday, November 2nd. Bothell Integrated Health will be providing the services or 2-3 licensed massage therapists to provide the employees of the city of Bothell...

Bothell Massage- We love Bothell and Massage!
Bothell Massage-We love the Bothell Area and Massage! Bothell Massage and You [Home] If you are already a patient and fan of our clinic you know how much we care about the community we live in. You may like to know that we also are active beyond the concerns...