Massage Therapy Services in Bothell, Washington

This winter has been uncharacteristically warm across America. Washington, which usually has mild winters anyway, has been experiencing warmer temperatures than usual this winter. It feels like spring even though it’s still the middle of winter. Birds are singing and plants are growing, confused by the weather. Washington is known for its rainy weather, and this winter has been no exception. Instead of snow and ice, we have been seeing rain and puddles. Many people are grateful that they don’t have to deal with driving in icy weather, and that they don’t have to bundle up in warm clothes, but rainy weather presents its own issues. 

Although the exact causes are not clear, it’s common for people to experience worsened joint pain in rainy weather. Barometric pressure (the amount of air pressure in the atmosphere) drops when rain is on the way because when air rises and condenses into clouds, the atmospheric pressure decreases. Barometric pressure drops are thought to affect joints, by causing soft tissues to expand and contract. This can lead to putting pressure on the joints, causing pain. This is especially true if the person already has a joint condition such as arthritis. People with arthritis have more exposed nerves, making them sensitive to pressure changes. Low temperatures can also make joints feel stiffer by thickening joint fluid. 

Another way that rain could lead to you feeling more pain is that when it’s raining outside, people are less likely to move around as much. Nobody wants to walk around or play sports in the cold rain. People are less likely to even drive places if it’s raining unless it’s necessary. Less physical activity because of rain can make muscles and joints stiffen up, which leads to pain. Not only that, but being sedentary can increase the risk of experiencing depression. 

Although seeing rain outside your window makes people want to curl up in bed all day, it’s important to still get up and get some exercise. Physical activity is great in general for people with muscle and joint pain, but especially in the rainy season. You can figure out exercises to do in your home so that you don’t have to walk in the rain. It’s important, especially if you have a condition such as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome or arthritis, that you find exercises to do that don’t hurt you further, but instead strengthen your muscles without pushing you beyond your limits. Stretching before any physical activity is important to prevent injury. Bothell Integrated Health’s clinic can help determine which exercises will be beneficial for you and help improve your health. 

Increased humidity, which is common when it will rain soon or is raining, is also thought to cause joint pain. High humidity levels could cause swelling in the joints, leading to pain. A study done in 2015 on participants that had osteoarthritis found that the daily average humidity significantly impacted the level of pain that people reported. So while humidity may not affect everyone, people in certain groups may have pain impacted by it. Factors such as age, health, and joint conditions could all play a role in whether or not a person feels more pain and stiffness with increased humidity levels. Being aware of potential weather changes can help people prepare and take measures to prevent joint pain. 

Medical Massage Services in Bothell, Washington.

Licensed Massage Therapist in Bothell, Washington

Bothell Integrated Health offers medical massage services, which can help people that suffer from joint and muscular pain. Massage can ease sore muscles, improve blood flow, and break up scar tissue to prevent stiffness down the line. Many sufferers of chronic joint pain, such as people with arthritis, can experience benefits from massage therapy. Gentle massage can ease tension in affected joints, decrease swelling and pain, and improve mobility. It can also loosen the muscles around the joints. If you are suffering from pain during this rainy winter, don’t hesitate to reach out to Bothell Integrated Health. 

Dark, rainy weather can also worsen depression. During the winter, many people suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) because of the lack of sunlight. Gray, overcast skies can contribute to feelings of sadness and emptiness, and when the bad weather is relentless, it can end up having a significant impact on a person’s mental health. Common symptoms of depression also include poor self-worth, fatigue/lack of energy, poor sleep and appetite habits, and feeling hopeless. Depression can have a significant impact on a person’s ability to go about their daily life. It can make social interactions, work, and school difficult. 

The reason that lack of sunlight can lead to depressed mood is because of the connection between sunlight and certain chemicals in the body. When rain clouds block out the sun, it can disrupt your body’s ability to produce vitamin D, serotonin, and melatonin. These are used by the body to regulate emotions, tiredness, and more. When you are lacking these substances, it can wreak havoc on your mental health and sleep schedule. 

There are a variety of methods that one can employ to combat seasonal depression. Taking supplements can help people keep their spirits up when their bodies aren’t able to make vitamin D naturally from the sunlight. Having a balanced diet that provides the proper nutrients can help individuals with depression. It can be difficult to make full meals and eat vegetables when it’s easier to reach for a prepackaged treat. 

Massage therapy can also be helpful for people with seasonal affective disorder. Massages can lower the amount of cortisol, the stress hormone, in the body. When a person is stressed, their body produces cortisol. It increases the amount of glucose in the blood, which can put the brain into fight-or-flight mode. In addition to reducing cortisol levels, massage therapy can also boost serotonin production. Serotonin can reduce feelings of depression and ease anxiety. Aside from the chemical aspect, massage is relaxing to experience. It can help people forget about their stressors for a while. 

If you are experiencing negative effects from the rainy weather this winter, reach out to Bothell Integrated Health for treatment. We will develop a treatment plan that addresses your specific conditions, whether that be pain, stiffness, or mental health issues. Our massage therapists are here to listen to your concerns and work with you so that you can feel better. 

Massage Therapy Services in Bothell